Results for 'J. O. De Meira Penna'

931 found
  1. Brasilia, Fifteen Years Later.J. O. de Meira Penna - 1975 - Diogenes 23 (91):57-69.
    The transfer of the capital to a new site on Brazil's central plateau had a particular significance in the eyes of those who conceived the idea. Its primary aim was to create a nucleus from which to promote the development of the vast and almost deserted interior regions, abandoning Rio de Janeiro which was, for various reasons, no longer judged capable of fulfilling its role as the seat of national political life. As the Brasilia project was realized, thanks to the (...)
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  2. Racial Problems: The Brazilian Persona.J. O. De Meira Penna - 1980 - Diogenes 28 (112):1-25.
    In the present essay I intend to approach the racial problems of today's world, or more particularly the problem of the Negro and of his integration in multiracial societies, from the point of view of the Jungian concept of Persona.I will, of necessity, limit iny study to one national case only, that of Brazil. The use of Brazil as a particular instance for study can be easily justified. Brazil is probably the most complex multiracial society in the world and one (...)
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  3. The Kiki-Bouba Effect A Case of Personification and Ideaesthesia.E. Milan, O. Iborra, M. J. de Cordoba, V. Juarez-Ramos, Ma Rodríguez Artacho & J. L. Rubio - 2013 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 20 (1-2):1-2.
    The Kiki-Bouba effect comprises a relation between two abstract figures and two non-words: the star-shaped figure is called 'Kiki' and the rounded figure 'Bouba'. The effect is explained by a sound-vision synaesthesia: certain sounds are associated with certain shapes in a non-arbitrary manner.When we asked the participants to decide which of the two figures, the star-shaped or the rounded one, to call yin and which yang, some 85% choose the star-shaped figure as yin. There are previous cases of synaesthesia where (...)
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    Da filosofia, da pedagogia, da escola: liber amicorum Manuel Ferreira Patrício.J. M. De Barros Dias, Luís Sebastião & Manuel Ferreira Patrício (eds.) - 2008 - Évora.: Universidade de Évora.
  5.  27
    Towards a homotopy domain theory.Daniel O. Martínez-Rivillas & Ruy J. G. B. de Queiroz - 2022 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 62 (3):559-579.
    An appropriate framework is put forward for the construction of $$\lambda $$ -models with $$\infty $$ -groupoid structure, which we call homotopic $$\lambda $$ -models, through the use of an $$\infty $$ -category with cartesian closure and enough points. With this, we establish the start of a project of generalization of Domain Theory and $$\lambda $$ -calculus, in the sense that the concept of proof (path) of equality of $$\lambda $$ -terms is raised to higher proof (homotopy).
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    ∞-Groupoid Generated by an Arbitrary Topological λ-Model.Daniel O. Martínez-Rivillas & Ruy J. G. B. de Queiroz - 2022 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 30 (3):465-488.
    The lambda calculus is a universal programming language. It can represent the computable functions, and such offers a formal counterpart to the point of view of functions as rules. Terms represent functions and this allows for the application of a term/function to any other term/function, including itself. The calculus can be seen as a formal theory with certain pre-established axioms and inference rules, which can be interpreted by models. Dana Scott proposed the first non-trivial model of the extensional lambda calculus, (...)
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    El análisis filosófico: su desarrollo durante el período de entreguerras.J. O. Urmson - 1978
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  8. The Kiki-Bouba Effect A Case of Personification and Ideaesthesia.E. Gómez Milán, O. Iborra, M. J. de Córdoba, V. Juárez-Ramos, M. A. Artacho & J. L. Rubio - 2013 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 20 (1-2):84-102.
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  9. Bibliography of Analytic Philosophy.J. O. Urmson - 1953 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 7 (26):384-386.
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    IX. Platons Gesetze und die sizilische Reform.J. O. Eberz - 1912 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 25 (2):162-174.
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    L'impact du genre sur l'etude Des religions.J. O. Y. Morny - 2010 - Diogenes 57 (2):009.
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    Boekbesprekingen. [REVIEW]J. De Fraine, O. Vercruysse, I. de la Potterie, P. Smulders, J. Rupert, P. Fransen, P. Grootens, P. van Doornik, J. Van Torre, A. van Kol, A. Snoeck, M. Dykmans, J. Mulders, H. Smets, H. Jans, M. Dierickx, A. Feys, J. Houben, J. Nota, H. Geurtsen, L. Vander Kerken, F. Bertiau, P. Roberts, De Tollenaere, M. De Tollenaere, A. Poncelet, F. De Raedemaeker, H. Verbeek, R. Hostie & G. Zaat - 1956 - Bijdragen 17 (4):437-464.
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    Ethnic differentials in child-spacing ideals and practices in Ghana.Kofi D. Benefo, Amy O. Tsui & J. de Graft Johnson - 1994 - Journal of Biosocial Science 26 (3):311-26.
  14.  22
    Is disgust sensitive to classical conditioning as indexed by facial electromyography and behavioural responses?Charmaine Borg, Renske C. Bosman, Iris Engelhard, Bunmi O. Olatunji & Peter J. de Jong - 2016 - Cognition and Emotion 30 (4).
  15.  38
    Notes and Correspondence.George Sarton, Henri Terrasse, H. P. J. Renaud, Ralph E. Ockenden, F. Szinnyei, Valeriu Bologa, O. Stein, Arnold C. Klebs, J. R. Partington & C. De Waard - 1935 - Isis 24 (1):102-126.
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    Pere Alberch: Originator of EvoDevo.John O. Reiss, Ann C. Burke, Charles Archer, Miquel De Renzi, Hernán Dopazo, Arantza Etxeberría, Emily A. Gale, J. Richard Hinchliffe, Laura Nuño de la Rosa Garcia, Chris S. Rose, Diego Rasskin-Gutman & Gerd B. Müller - 2008 - Biological Theory 3 (4):351-356.
  17.  41
    De Apollodoreis in Pliniana Graeciae descriptione. [REVIEW]J. O. Thomson - 1949 - The Classical Review 63 (3-4):143-143.
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    Quellenkritische und logische Untersuchungen zur Gegensatzlehre des Aristoteles. [REVIEW]O. J. - 1981 - Review of Metaphysics 35 (2):390-392.
    As its title indicates clearly enough, this book undertakes two distinct types of investigation. In its first part it studies critically the sources indicated for Aristotle's listing of the contraries, and it attempts reconstruction as far as is possible. In its second part it examines the logical aspect of the doctrine reached through this study.
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    Paul van de Woestijne: La Periégèse de Priscien. Édition critique. Pp. 153. Bruges: 'De Tempel', 1953. Paper.J. O. Thomson - 1955 - The Classical Review 5 (01):112-.
  20. Phases et problèmes de la géographie ancienne.J. O. Thomson - 1951 - Scientia 45 (86):du Supplém. 11.
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  21. SAUSSURE, R. DE-Le miracle grec. [REVIEW]J. O. Wisdom - 1940 - Mind 49:354.
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    Hans Joachim Mette: Pytheas von Massalia. Pp. iv+52. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1952. Paper, DM. 5.50.J. O. Thomson - 1954 - The Classical Review 4 (02):165-.
  23. WULF, M. DE - History of Mediaeval Philosophy, Vol. i: From the Beginnings to the End of the Twelfth Century. [REVIEW]J. O. Urmson - 1953 - Mind 62:281.
  24. (1 other version)Philosophical analysis, its development between the two world wars.J. O. URMSON - 1956 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 160:502-502.
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    On the Several Senses of Being in Aristotle. [REVIEW]O. J. - 1976 - Review of Metaphysics 30 (1):122-123.
    The doctoral thesis of Franz Brentano, first published in 1862 under the title Von der mannigfachen Bedeutung des Seienden nach Aristoteles, has conditioned, on a surprisingly large scale, the introduction of German students to Aristotelian metaphysics. George’s translation now makes this historically important book accessible to Anglophones. The translation conveys accurately the characteristic facets of Brentano’s Aristotle, such as the systematic deduction of the Aristotelian categories, the twofold analogy of being throughout the categories, the direct exclusion of one category by (...)
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  26. Some Questions concerning Validity.J. O. Urmson - 1953 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 7 (3):217.
  27.  47
    Obtaining consent for organ donation from a competent ICU patient who does not want to live anymore and who is dependent on life-sustaining treatment; ethically feasible?Jelle L. Epker, Yorick J. De Groot & Erwin J. O. Kompanje - 2013 - Clinical Ethics 8 (1):29-33.
    We anticipate a further decline of patients who eventually will become brain dead. The intensive care unit (ICU) is considered a last resort for patients with severe and multiple organ dysfunction. Patients with primary central nervous system failure constitute the largest group of patients in which life-sustaining treatment is withdrawn. Almost all these patients are unconscious at the moment physicians decide to withhold and withdraw life-sustaining measures. Sometimes, however competent ICU patients state that they do not want to live anymore (...)
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    De Periegetarum Graecorum Reliquiis. [REVIEW]J. O. Thomson - 1952 - The Classical Review 2 (3-4):228-228.
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    De Cosmographie van den Anonymus Ravennas. [REVIEW]J. O. Thomson - 1950 - The Classical Review 64 (3-4):156-157.
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    Metaphysik und Sprache. Eine sprachphilosophische Untersuchung zu Thomas von Aquin und Aristoteles. [REVIEW]O. J. - 1978 - Review of Metaphysics 32 (2):373-374.
    This interesting study begins by noting the attacks made on traditional Western metaphysics in terms of linguistic analysis and Heideggerian notions. In response it comes to grips with "an urgent task for metaphysics, to become, from its own side, aware of the linguistic foundations upon which it rests and thereby of the meaning that language has for it". As its own contribution to this task the book proposes a thinking through of epistemological texts from questions 5 and 6 of Aquinas’s (...)
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  31. (2 other versions)Berkeley.J. O. Urmson - 1982 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 173 (1):122-123.
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  32. How to do Things with Words, coll. « Oxford Paperbacks, 367 ».J. L. Austin, J. O. Urmson & Marina Sbisa - 1977 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 167 (4):488-488.
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  33. New books. [REVIEW]L. J. Russell, A. E. Taylor, W. G. de Burgh, J. O. Wisdom, Max Black & Arthur T. Shillinglaw - 1943 - Mind 52 (208):366-376.
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    Raduan e o phaseolus vulgaris.J. B. De Souza Freitas - 2021 - Desleituras Literatura Filosofia Cinema e outras artes 6.
    Conheci Raduan num sábado entre junho ou julho de 1996. Estimo os meses e garanto o dia e o ano em razão de Menina a caminho. Amizades comuns nos levaram então a participar de festa familiar no paulistano bairro do Pacaembu. Situado em rua tranquila, o restaurado sobrado compunha-se das variadas dependências requeridas em outros tempos por famílias de classes em fase de ascensão. No piso térreo, destacava-se o espaço destinado aos convidados: a ampla sala, integrada à copa e a (...)
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    Le Périple de la Mer Érythrée, suivi d'une Étude sur la Tradition et la Langue. By Hjalmar Frisk. Pp. 145. Gothenburg: Wettergren and Kerber, 1927. 8 kron. [REVIEW]J. O. Thomson - 1927 - The Classical Review 41 (05):203-.
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    Hans Haaksma, met medewerking van Ad Vlot en Paul Cliteur, Van Riessen, filosoof van de techniek, Damon, 1999, ISBN 90 5573 113 1, 136 blz. [REVIEW]J. O. Kroesen - 1999 - Philosophia Reformata 64 (2):165-167.
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    Engineering ethics in puerto Rico: Issues and narratives.William J. Frey & Efraín O’Neill-Carrillo - 2008 - Science and Engineering Ethics 14 (3):417-431.
    This essay discusses engineering ethics in Puerto Rico by examining the impact of the Colegio de Ingenieros y Agrimensores de Puerto Rico (CIAPR) and by outlining the constellation of problems and issues identified in workshops and retreats held with Puerto Rican engineers. Three cases developed and discussed in these workshops will help outline movements in engineering ethics beyond the compliance perspective of the CIAPR. These include the Town Z case, Copper Mining in Puerto Rico, and a hypothetical case researched by (...)
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  38. A dictionary of philosophical quotations.A. J. Ayer & Jane O'Grady (eds.) - 1992 - Cambridge, MA, USA: Blackwell.
    The dictionary shows philosophers at their best (and their worst), at their most perverse and their most elegant. Organised by philosopher, and indexed by thought, concept and phrase, it enables readers to discover who said what, and what was said by whom. Over 300 philosophers are represented, from Aristotle to Zeno, including Einstein, Aquinas, Sartre and De Beauvoir, and the quotations range from short cryptic phrases to longer statements. This Dictionary of Philosophical Quotations d will not change your life. It (...)
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  39. New books. [REVIEW]A. C. Ewing, John Wisdom, W. G. de Burgh, J. O. Wisdom & Arthur T. Shillinglaw - 1940 - Mind 49 (195):348-360.
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    Per un barbiere di qualità.J. B. De Souza Freitas - 2021 - Desleituras Literatura Filosofia Cinema e outras artes 2:10-14.
    Nestes nossos tempos gerundistas e de valores-isopores o apelo ao eufemismo e à grandiloquência torna-se palavra de ordem e progresso. Oficinas mecânicas passam a ser chamadas de centros automotivos, açougues transmutam-se em butiques de carnes e sapatarias em recuperadoras de calçados.Daí a gente olha em volta e começa igualmente a não achar mais nem barbearias nem barbeiros.Quedê, perguntamos, a Tesoura de Ouro do Carlão? Pois seu salão ganhou a neomodernosa indicação de Cabeleireiro Masculino e virou ele esteticista capilar. Bate daí (...)
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  41. Supernovas de tipo II, materia extraña Y detonaciones.O. G. Benvenuto, J. E. Horvath, H. Vucetich & Provincia de Buenos Aires - 1988 - Scientia 52:341.
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    Temporal analysis of English and Spanish narratives.Teresa H. de Johnson, Daniel C. O’Connell & Edward J. Sabin - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 13 (6):347-350.
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    Boekbesprekingen.J. Volckaert, A. Knockaert, J. De Fraine, H. van der Lee, J. Mulders, I. de la Potterie, F. De Raedemaeker, H. Suasso, O. Vercruysse, F. Wassenaar, P. Smulders, R. Leys, J. Van Torre, P. Grootens, M. Dykmans, P. Ploumen, P. Fransen, F. Malmberg, R. Lenaers, A. van Kol, J. Beyer, J. De Munter, A. Houben, J. Rupert, A. Poncelet, M. De Tollenaere, L. Vander Kerken, J. Kijm, P. van Doornik, R. Hostie, L. Steins Bisschop, R. Loyens, Th Geldrop, J. Kerkhofs & A. Delbaere - 1956 - Bijdragen 17 (3):308-348.
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    Augustine, ‘de dialectica’. [REVIEW]John J. O. Meara - 1975 - Augustinian Studies 6:207-207.
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    Dislocation configurations around a nanoindentation in the surface of a fcc metal.O. Rodríguez de la Fuente, M. González & J. Rojo - 2003 - Philosophical Magazine 83 (4):485-502.
    We report a scanning tunnelling microscopy investigation of the emission of dislocations around nanoindentations in the form of dislocation arrangements previously called hillocks , consisting of two pairs of Shockley partial dislocations, each encompassing a stacking fault. The spatial arrangement and size distribution of hillocks around the nanoindentation traces are studied. We show that standard dislocation theory for an isotropic continuum can be used to describe the stability of the hillocks, their size and spatial distribution and the broadening of the (...)
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  46. La liberté et l'homme du XXe siècle.O. Costa de Beauregard, P. Chauchard, C. Ducreux, Cl Kohler, A. Latreille & J. P. Lintanf - 1967 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 22 (1):88-88.
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  47. Philosophie.J. Abelé, O. Costa De, J. Chaix-ruy, Mt Antonelli, Mf Sciacca & A. Solignac - 1955 - Archives de Philosophie 19:159.
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  48. Norms in technology: Philosophy of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 9.M. J. de Vries, S. O. Hansson & A. W. M. Meijers (eds.) - 2013 - Springer.
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    Unpacking Constructs: A Network Approach for Studying War Exposure, Daily Stressors and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.Maarten De Schryver, Sofie Vindevogel, Andrew E. Rasmussen & Angélique O. J. Cramer - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Notícias do galinheiro.J. B. De Souza Freitas - 2021 - Desleituras Literatura Filosofia Cinema e outras artes 1:7-11.
    Convenções e costumes estabelecem que a denominação galinheiro prevaleça em espaços destinados abrigar bichos de pena de variadas extrações. Este o caso do galinheiro em questão, cujo domínio, em que pese a absoluta maioria galinácea, é ostensivamente exercido por casal de perus. Caminhos se abrem quando todo enfunado, rabo imponentemente aberto em leque, o senhor peru desanda grugrulejante e majestoso a desfilar.Fato de subidíssima relevância motiva-o no momento a incorporar com frequência essa postura de maneira menos casual: madame perua está (...)
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